How to talk to … a Board of Directors

Prepare properly for a Board presentation and it could be the key to advancing your career. I’ve been talking in the past few weeks about how to get to know your audience before you begin. But I’d like to switch the focus for a bit to how to approach different types of audiences....
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Network before you speak, as well as after

One of the easiest tips about speaking is also one of the most ignored: Meet your attendees one-on-one. If you think of the last conventional talk you’ve heard from a conventional speaker, he or she arrives after everyone else has assembled, talks to few people (if any), and then...
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Speak to your audience, not down to them

Recently, I posted one of my favorite short tips: Arrive early. Arriving early to lower the barriers may sound like common sense, but believe me, there are speakers who would rather do anything than lower barriers. When it comes to knowing how to speak well and how to consider...
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Ranting is not speaking

Last week I had the misfortune of attending a “lecture” on the Eichmann Trial, in Palm Desert. I don’t remember who put it on and I’m not going to mention the speakers by name because I don’t want to embarrass them.  At least two were sweet older...
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Speeches of the Weak: Working without a script

John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, recently gave his State of the State Address to an elementary school on February 7th this year.  Those poor kids. They will probably be confused for life.  They certainly won’t be inspired to lead or speak in public. This article,...
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Analyzing President Obama’s speaking skills

For a quickie analysis I did of President Obama’s debt speech yesterday (given September 19, 2011), see Victoria Pynchon’s blog post: “Yes You Can! Speak Better than Obama.” Victoria is one of the authors of the Forbes blog She Negotiates.  Check out...
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A Sample of Rhetorical Techniques in Use

A week ago Monday, as most folks know, President Obama and Congressman John Boehner gave duelling speeches regarding the debt ceiling. And believe me, they weren’t half as fun as listening to dueling pianos at Howl at the Moon. Obama, as usual, used multiple...
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An Hysterical Example of Power Point Backlash

Hats off to the genius behind this graphic and hilarious illustration of the backlash surrounding Power Point – Doug Zongkers.   If you have any doubt that there is a backlash, the audience’s reaction to this presentation should dispel that doubt.  And this...
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Speaking Too Fast can Kill a Good Speech

Speaking Too Fast can Kill a Good Speech.  It seems like a bit of common sense, but it’s a hard habit to break, even for highly paid professional speakers. And it’s a very detremintal habit.  Last week I attended a Smart Meetings conference held at the...
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Not Much in the Way of Interesting speeches at the 83rd Annual Academy Awards

Last night was the 83rd Academy Awards. Thank god for DVRs. I get to see who wins, check out the fabulous gowns, listen to the funny hosts (not so funny last night) and... I can fast forward through the obligatory awful thank you litany in 99% of the acceptance "speeches." ...
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