Today in 1963 Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his “I Have a Dream Speech” – The #1 speech of the 20th Century

On this day in 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous I have a Dream speech. You may not know this, but the part of his speech where he launched into beginning his sentences with “I have a dream” was not planned. He had used those phrases in the past, but they...
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How to talk to … elected officials

You may occasionally need to present material to a city council or other governmental board. Go beyond the usual here. Don’t just find out what political party your audience subscribes to. That isn’t going nearly far enough. Find out if they are up for election, what...
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Power Point tip: Be CRAPpy!

I just came across this great blog post on Power Point: How to Create Pro Slides in Less Time: Don’t Worry, Be CRAPpy by Chiara Ojeda on Six Minutes, a popular and comprehensive Blog about Public Speaking Skills. Chiara’s post gives some great before and after examples of...
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Public Speaking Webinar series in August

I can’t believe I forgot to blog about this! Shame on me for not following my own advice. Okay, here’s the announcement: This month I’m doing a four-part Webinar series on Public Speaking Skills, every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time.  Yes, I am...
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Critical Mass interview: Tips, regrets and plans

Ric Franzi’s interivew of me, on Critical Mass Radio Show, is now available.  We discussed why and how I create my Continuing Legal Education business (which includes public speaking training), challenges along the way, plans for the future and a few regrets/mistakes I made...
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