I’m Happy to Announce the ABA has just Published My Book — Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys
Well, I admit it. I don’t post on the blog much. It’s obvious. Writing isn’t my thing. In fact, it is so not my thing that it took me quite a few years to finally finish my book on presentation skills for attorneys.
Yep, that’s how much I would prefer to speak over write.
But I did it!
The book is out!
It is called Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys and is available now on Amazon (Kindle and paperback), from the American Bar Association, or even at my own company’s store.
It’s a fun book, a quick read, and I can guarantee you’ll take away a lot of skills that will improve your presentation skills, regardless of the setting. But don’t take my word for it, here are what a bunch of people (attorneys and non-attorneys) who have read it say about it:
Praise for Faith’s book, Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys, includes:
“This terrific book about communication zooms along! It’s chock-full of sound advice and organized so the reader can jump right to the desired topic. It is really two books in one: a segment on public speaking before all types of audience, and a segment for lawyers when speaking in court – including jury arguments in the trial court and oral argument in an appellate court. Sprinkled throughout is excellent advice from judges and experienced advocates; also included is guidance on talking with reporters. This gem is an essential volume for the advocate.”
– Gerald B Cope, Jr.
Co-Chair, Appellate Practice, Akerman, LLP
Former Chief Judge, Florida Third District Court of Appeal
“I worked with Faith to prepare for my role as President of the California State Bar. Although I thought I was a pretty good public speaker going in, she was immensely helpful and I use her ideas every time I speak – at trainings, in the trial court, to the press, and – most importantly for me – at appellate argument. She has captured these useful lessons into a book that attorneys can turn to if we do not have the time for one-on-one training. Useful advice in a useful form.”
– Michael G. Colantuono, Esq.
California State Bar President, 2017-2018
Colantuono, Highsmith & Whatley, PC
“The art of public speaking is a ‘teachable skill’ – according to presentations master Faith Pincus. Yes it is. And Faith would know. Her new book, Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys,is a goldmine of practical tips for beginners and veteran public speakers alike. Follow Faith’s “AMI Method” to connect with any audience. Effectively use media that enhances (instead of distracting from) your message. This is a go-to guide for preparing all your courtroom and executive presentations. A must for every professional’s library.”
– Harry Chamberlain
Past President, California Defense Counsel
Chair of the Appellate Group at Buchalter
“This is a ‘must read’ for any attorney who is serious about improving his or her public speaking skills. Faith has filled this book with practical, realistic advice. A treasure trove for those just learning to speak in public, this book also provides ideas and techniques that even the most experienced speaker will find valuable. I only wish someone could have handed me a copy of ‘Being Heard: Presentation Skills for Attorneys’when I first started practicing law.”
– James N. Robinson
Partner, White & Case LLP
“Faith’s book reads like a conversation with her: fast, engaging, and certain to leave you with at least a few new ideas you will be eager to apply.
After years spent observing trials in a busy federal court, those that still stand out are the very few cases in which the attorney compelled the jurors’ or the judge’s attention not by volume or drama, but by the clarity, relevancy, simplicity, and strength of their presentation. Faith’s book has the tools you will need to make sure that whether you are in a courtroom, a boardroom, or at a meeting anywhere in the world, your words will be heard.”
– Barbara Barbara Junge, Esq.
Career law clerk, United States District Court, Southern District of Florida.
“Faith Pincus provides a comprehensive, well-written roadmap to mastering the art of public speaking. From researching the audience, to creating the perfect message, to body language and delivery tips, this wide-reaching book gives you everything you need to know to hit it out of the park in terms of both context and content. Although there is an emphasis on Presentation Skills for Attorneys, the wisdom in this book can benefit anyone preparing for any type of speaking engagement, from a speech to your local Home Owner´s Association, to a creative toast at your best friend´s wedding, to a hardball interview on national television.”
– Wendy L. Patrick, JD, PhD
Prosecutor & Media Commentator
“What seems at first glance to be yet another primer on effective communication for the inexperienced proves on a closer read to be an extraordinarily useful tool for the old and skeptical as well. Faith Pincus has created a communication toolbox for all of us who struggle with effective oral presentations either all of the time or only some of the time.
And, she has done so efficiently and effectively in this short, concise and clear review of practical approaches and reminders for effective communication in both formal and informal settings, whether preparing for oral argument, speaking at a public meeting or making a short presentation at a club meeting or other more impromptu setting. Faith has compiled suggestions and checklists many of us have used and all too often forgotten, or if new to the arena, simply need to know and use. I am going to put my copy of this book on my reference shelf right next to ‘The Elements of Style.’”
– Judge C. Kenneth Grosse (ret.)
Washington State Court of Appeals
“I have observed well over a thousand oral arguments in the California Court of Appeal and I can say, if you are a practicing attorney, read this book. In clear, conversational and gripping fashion, Faith Pincus demonstrates that public speaking is indeed an art.
How do you cultivate a likeable, confident presence? Which are the most effective methods of delivery? What tools work best for persuasion? What techniques can be used to manage your fears? Pincus answers all these questions, and many more. All attorneys, from the uninitiated, to the journeyman, to the superstar, will benefit from the knowledge and insight Pincus has developed during the past 30 years as a former attorney and public speaking trainer helping lawyers, CEOs and executives improve their presentation skills.”
– Pablo Drobny
Lead Appellate Court Attorney (retired 2018)
California Court of Appeal
“Faith Pincus, simply put, is both an exceptional speaker and exceptional writer. She has personally been my coach and mentor for public speaking and it has been a life-changer! Her book, Presentation Skills for Attorneys, is a must-read!”
– Joseph E. Ankus, Esq.
Ankus Consulting, Inc.
“After having the opportunity to preview this book, I was really impressed! This is much more than just another “how-to-do-it” book. There is a wealth of practical information and guidance presented in an easy to locate and easy to read format. It is a compilation of actual experiences of the author and other contributors that set out how to make presentations that are effective with the audience and enjoyable for the presenter. I wish that the information in the book had been so readily available when I found myself first addressing gatherings, rather than learning through experience.”
– Hon. Gilbert (Thad) Gembacz
United States Immigration Judge, Retired
“This is the book I wish existed when I was a young prosecutor, and during my 31 plus years as a Senior Writ Attorney at the California Court of Appeal in San Francisco doing CLE presentations. Faith brings her own expertise and experience, as well as that of her many contacts, to create a book that is witty, an easy read, and a bible for any public speaker. It’s one I’ll now always keep at hand for reference.”
– Susan Horst, Of Counsel
California Appellate Law Group
Former Career Senior Writ Attorney, CA Court of Appeal
“Faith’s book, Presentation Skills for Attorneys, is, quite simply, empowering. It takes the anxiety out of the picture. Faith’s method is foolproof. She explains what to do, it makes sense, and then you feel empowered to do it. It’s a great handbook on public speaking and it’s a terrific, quick read.”
– Lisa Peña, Deputy Assistant Secretary
U.S. Treasury Department
“Finally, a book with the practical advice and strategies to improve public speaking skills! As a public interest environmental attorney, public speaking is a critical advocacy tool but one that I was never taught or felt particularly confident in. Presentation Skills for Attorneys gave me the tools I needed to refine how I prepare and deliver presentations and helped me up my game. There are so many useful tips in here, I continue to go back to it. A must for beginners and more seasoned speakers alike.”
– Matt Vespa
Staff Attorney
“I am thrilled that Faith Pincus’ knowledge and wisdom now exists in in this comprehensive publication. The attorneys I work with clamor to attend Faith’s in-person program each year – and for good reason, as this book demonstrates. Faith expertly and succinctly covers the practicalities of public speaking – from organization to the impression you leave on your audience. She also addresses the concerns and roadblocks public speakers face and how to best practice and prepare to avoid them. Beginners and experienced public speakers alike will find something new to take away from this book every time they read it – and every time they prepare to speak. I know I do.”
– Angela Inzano
The Chicago Bar Foundation
“Faith has written a fun, thoughtful, and most helpful book for anyone who speaks – or needs to speak – in public. The sections for lawyers are full of good advice, and lawyers and others will also benefit greatly from the other public-speaking and media-handling advice she offers. These are truly words from the wise!”
– Ken Masters
Masters Law Group
“Presentation Skills for Attorneysis a must-read for attorneys of all experience levels. Full of sound, practical advice from start to finish, it will put new attorneys years ahead of their colleagues, and even the most seasoned trial attorneys will pick up valuable pointers and understand in a new light lessons already learned.”
– Damian Capozzola, Esq.
The Law Offices of Damian D. Capozzola
Los Angeles, CA
“Public speaking is something that everybody in law or business has to do. Doing it well is essential to success, but nobody ever teaches you how to do it. Until now. Faith Pincus breaks down the art of successful public speaking into bite-size chunks. She’ll help you analyze your audience, prepare your message, and deliver your talk. She identifies all the common mistakes speakers make and warns you away from them, especially including misuse of PowerPoint. Her best tip: Enthusiasm on the part of the speaker really counts! And if you actually aren’t so enthusiastic, fake it.'”
– Michael Asimow, Visiting Professor, Stanford Law School; Professor of Law Emeritus at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Law
“Law school teaches students how to “think like a lawyer.” Law school does not teach students how to speak. The result is that we can take either side of an argument; and we may be effective in a written brief. But, most of our activities are outside the written arena. Our oral skills most often determine how we’re seen as leaders, how we attract and keep new clients, and whether we’re successful in court, both before the judge and before jurors.
In this book, Faith Pincus helps you prepare your message, organize your thoughts and present your speech. Having made many presentations over the years, I found Faith’s work engaging and well worth the reading, and re-reading. And if you’re beginning your career, take serious note. Keep her book by your side when you begin thinking about accepting an engagement to present.”
– Ed Poll, J.D., M.B.A., CMC
LawBiz(r) Management
Feel free to email me with any questions about speaking.
Remember: Be Heard. This time. Next time. Every time.