Let’s connect at the ABA Annual Convention

I will be giving two Public Speaking for Attorneys presentations at the ABA Annual convention this week. Stop by to say hi if you’re there! Here they are: Friday 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Speaking for Section of Intellectual Property Law. It will be in the Vevey...
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Upcoming Free Webinar: Powerful Public Speaking

On Monday December 19th at 1:00 Central Time, Rick Levin and I will be presenting a webinar entitled “Powerful Public Speaking In and Out of Court.” This is for the ABA’s new Premier Speaker CLE Series and is free to ABA Members.  1.5 CLE units are available....
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5th Year In A Row – Speaking at ABA’s National Friday 8-5

OK, I admit it.  The title for this blog post, and the prior post, sucks.  But my prior post on Antithesis had some good info in it, so don’t miss it! Tomorrow I speak at the ABA National Convention for the fifth year in a row.  Go ABA!  Go Earnestine...
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