Check out the Modern Law Library’s Podcast interview with me!

A short while ago the ABA’s Legal Talk Network and  The Modern Law Library interviewed me for a podcast on Presentation Skills for Attorneys. I’m excited to announce that they just published the podcast! You can go directly to the podcast and listen to it here. And...
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Using Today’s Antithesis of the Day

My most favorite rhetorical technique is the antithesis. Ok, maybe repetition too. So – Antithesis – the sentence that has opposing thoughts/concepts/words, usually in a parallel structure, that make your audience THINK. I use antithesis in all of my speeches and I...
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What goes into a strong conclusion?

Your conclusion should be as simple as your introduction. Summarize your three main points Make a reference to and/or utilize the attention-getting device you used in your introduction One effective way to provide closure — with solid impact — is to refer to the...
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Getting from Point A to Point B

Transitions matter. Truly effective transitions help your audience follow you from one idea to the next, from one topic to the next. The good news is: It’s easy to make transitions well. The bad news is: It’s just as easy for them to trip you up. A common problem...
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