Bring me your slides…Please.
So by now everyone knows I hate Power Point. You may even know some of the reasons I hate it and some of my suggestions for using it effectively if you insist on using it (or are required to use it).
Now I find myself in the interesting position of needing some sample Power Point presentations – good ones!
One of the judges who speaks at our Pincus Professional Education litigation bootcamps has requested I send him an example of what I consider an excellent Power Point presentation.
Unfortunately I can’t because I’ve never seen one. I’ve seen a few good ones, even some tolerable ones. And I’ve seen excellent slides amongst average Power Point presentations. But in my area of focus especially – the legal world – I have never once seen what I would consider an “excellent” Power Point presentation from start to finish.
Doesn’t mean they don’t exist.
If you have one, or have seen one, especially in a legal setting, I would really appreciate you sending it my way.
I’ll even sweeten the deal. I’ll send my Public Speaking for Attorneys DVD to whomever sends me the Power Point presentation that I select to send to the judge as an example, and of course I will give full credit.