A sneaky tip: Use the attendance list
As we’re all aware, there’s a world of information about us, singly and in our respective groups and affiliations, available online. That is something that should concern each one of us, but since it is also a fact of 21st century life, it can provide you with a means to find out more about who you’ll be speaking to so you can craft your message in ways that will make it more relevant to them.
Whenever possible, get the attendance list in advance and Google the attendees or look them up at a website, if you know where you might find them. Create a list of bios that you can refer to, so you get a general idea of the business interest, special interests, level of experience, etc. of each person scheduled to arrive. Update as you get closer to the presentation and modify your speech accordingly. There is a world of information out there about each of us, especially about professionals in the legal field. Naturally, you won’t want to drop any sound-bytes that make it sound like you’ve been invading their privacy. But this online intelligence can provide important deep background to have in your pocket. Mine that information and use it.