Speeches of the Weak: Working without a script

John Kasich, the Governor of Ohio, recently gave his State of the State Address to an elementary school on February 7th this year.  Those poor kids. They will probably be confused for life.  They certainly won’t be inspired to lead or speak in public.

This article, highlighting the most idiotic things Governor Kasich said, is pretty funny.  The speech lasted 80 minutes or so.  Again, those poor kids.

I’m sure somewhere in the jumbled 80 minutes he might have said something of substance, this is admittedly an edited version just capturing the choice phrases, but seriously?

As Vital Speechs of the Day points out, this is the hazard of impromptu speaking.

Nobody needs to sound this stupid.

Or look this stupid.

Someone really needs to tell this guy how to dress when speaking in public.  That shirt, tie and suit combo is atrocious, sloppy and the colors clash.  There is more to dressing than wearing a red tie.

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About the Author
Speaker, coach, author and strategist, Faith Pincus has advised CEOs, Non-Profit Leaders, and some of the nation's top attorneys on core communications issues for the past 25 years.
  1. Jennifer Ellis Reply

    I agree. Impromptu speaking can be an extremely dangerous thing to do when you don’t know what you are doing. Impromptu or not, speaking on and on when people have no choice but to listen often causes the audience to feel resentful. Speaking like this to children, well that is just silly.

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