Lexblog Client Webinar on Delivery 9/14
As LexBlog’s Founder, Kevin O’Keefe, is fond of saying, one of the goals of blogging is to get more speaking engagements. Unfortunately, most people are not taught the skills they need to present effectively.
Join the LexBlog’s Director of Client Services, Lyda Hawes, and me, at noon ET (9 a.m. PT) on September 14 for a free program on “Improving your Delivery.” This free hourlong program is the third in a series of four webinars that I am presenting to LexBlog clients on public speaking for attorneys.
“Improving your Delivery” will touch upon:
• Tips to help you improve your delivery style with a more dynamic and effective delivery.
• Using visual aids to your advantage.
• The best use of handouts and how to avoid speaker’s death by handout.
• How your image and style affects your audience.
• And, if time, the best way to handle questions and answers (in or out of court).